Fanzin Analog Improvisation
Publikace Analogové improvizace na téma Návod vznikla za spolupráce studentů 4. ročníku ateliéru Grafický design a studentů z ateliéru Reklamní fotografie ve Zlíně. Publikace byla vytvořena v rámci workshopu pod vedením Pavla Büchlera a Karla Halouna.
This publication on the theme of Instructions was created in colaboration between students of Graphic Design Studio and Advertising Photography at the Faculty of Multimedia Communications in Zlín. The publication was created during the workshop called Analog Improvisation, supervised by Pavel Büchler and Karel Haloun.
workshop, graphic design, fanzin, photography, analog
This publication on the theme of Instructions was created in colaboration between students of Graphic Design Studio and Advertising Photography at the Faculty of Multimedia Communications in Zlín. The publication was created during the workshop called Analog Improvisation, supervised by Pavel Büchler and Karel Haloun.
workshop, graphic design, fanzin, photography, analog
© Kristýna Londinová, Katarína Kyselicová, Zuzana Vanišová, Silvie Jakubková, Anna Ritterová, Dávid Mackovič, Petra Bašnáková, 2019