Strange Semester — poster
Plakát k výstavě „Podivný semestr“, která se uskutečnila ve fakultní galerii G18, ve Zlíně. Expozice zahrnovala studentské závěrečné práce během karantény, kvůli celosvětové pandemii Covid-19. Písmo pochází od tvůrců
Poster for the exhibition “Strange Semester” in the G18 gallery in Zlín, Czech republic. The exhibition includes student's final work during the quarantine period thanks to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. The font is from the creators of
poster, exhibition, gallery
Poster for the exhibition “Strange Semester” in the G18 gallery in Zlín, Czech republic. The exhibition includes student's final work during the quarantine period thanks to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. The font is from the creators of
poster, exhibition, gallery
© Kristýna Londinová 2020